Our Clients
Our clients come from a broad range of backgrounds. They include successful professionals, physicians, influential females, business owners, individuals, and families.
What our clients have in common is the desire for a trusted relationship with a professional who is proactive, thoughtful, and committed to helping them achieve their financial goals. Our clients also happen to be some of the nicest people we know.
An Independent
Financial Firm
and only you.

Our Role as Fiduciaries
As fiduciaries, we are held to the highest standard of care and act in the best interests of our clients when providing investment advice. Investment advisors who are not fiduciaries are held to a lesser standard and are only required to recommend investments that are suitable and not necessarily ideal for you or in your best interests.The Security of Your Assets
We oversee and manage our clients’ accounts, but we use an independent third-party custodian, Fidelity InstitutionalSM, to hold and safeguard your assets. This structure provides a valuable system of checks and balances in terms of security.
Fidelity Investments is one of the nation’s largest and most diversified financial companies, and it holds approximately $10.3 trillion in assets under administration (as of 12/31/2022) and serves more than 35 million investors through 13,500 financial advisory firms. With Fidelity, we know we are working with a provider that maintains the highest level of integrity and protection for our clients.
Coordination With Your Professional Team
We believe it’s important for us to work as a team with your legal, tax, and other professional advisors. We are the quarterback of your financial team, and we ensure all aspects of your financial life are optimized and receive due attention.
Meeting With You
We meet and communicate regularly with our clients. Some clients like to monitor their investments consistently and in detail, while other clients prefer leaving that to us. We recommend meeting at least once per year to review your financial plan and determine if any adjustments are needed based on changes in your financial life.
Our meetings are either in-person, over the phone, or via a video conference like Zoom. We meet more frequently with clients depending on preferences and the complexity of your unique financial situation.
Ready to Start Your Journey?
Fill out our pre-meeting intake form to provide us with a quick snapshot of your financial
life prior to our complimentary initial consultation.